Congressman Tim Burchett: ‘We Need a Revival in This Country, We’ve Turned from God and This Is What We’re Getting’

Live from Music Row Friday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Leahy welcomed Congressman Tim Burchett (R-TN-02) to the newsmaker line to weigh in on The Covenant School shooting and the indictment of Donald Trump.

Leahy: Congressman Tim Burchett joins us. Good morning, Congressman Burchett. How are you?

Burchett: I’m great. Thank y’all for having me on.

Leahy: Congressman Burchett, you said something logical about the shooting of six innocent Nashvillians here on Monday by 28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale. Born a woman who identified as a male, a transgender. And the left has decided that you are a bad person because of what you said. Give us a little detail on that.

Burchett: They asked me what we were going to do about it, and I said we’re not going to change people’s hearts. And I said, we can pass all the laws you want, but until we have a real revival in this country, and I’m speaking from a Christian perspective and I know that makes people’s heads swell that I love Jesus, but that’s just the way it is.

They said, what about when your daughter gets on a school bus every morning? Don’t you worry about her? And I said that doesn’t really apply to us because I homeschool. But if I’d have said, yes, when she gets on, if I made something story about school, somebody would’ve said well you homeschool her.

It’s a no-win proposition with the legacy media. They don’t like us. And they’re already turning this thing, Madonna’s having a fundraiser for the transgender community when she comes to Nashville because they’ve been so abused. Look, that thing’s a mental illness.

It is a condition. And the parents are mentally ill that are allowing their kids to go through this so-called transitioning. Transitioning for little boys is castration and for little girls, it’s cutting their breasts off. This thing is a real issue and we’re gonna have to start dealing with it as a nation.

And for far too long, good people just keep their mouths shut and bad people are going to do bad things. We can put all the laws on the books that we want, but she broke a lot of laws when she killed those six innocent people. And it’s horrible. She’s a horrible person and it’s unforgivable what she did.

Leahy: This is common sense and yet, the mainstream media is going crazy over what she said.

Burchett: One article said the most F’d up response. As I said, we need revival in this country. We’ve turned from God, and this is what we’re getting. This is what we’re getting.

We kicked him out of every aspect of our lives, and preachers no longer preach the gospel, and this is what we’re getting. I hate it for those six families and the whole community. I hate it for our country, but we are a sick nation. And I’m disgusted about what happened in Nashville.

Carmichael: Congressman, one thing you said that was right on the money and explicit is about what transitioning is. If the left were to try to pass a law saying that in the United States, it will be legal to castrate boys once they’ve reached the age of seven, there would be a high level of outrage from 95 percent of the people.

And if there would be a law that says you can cut off young girls’ breasts and mutilate their vagina at age seven, that shall be a law that as long as the parents approve, then that would be outrageous. But that is exactly what the left wants. And I think you’re aware of this.

We had some high-up officials at Vanderbilt Hospital who stood up in front of an audience, talking about just how much money they made for these mutilations of children.

Burchett: I saw that, yes.

Carmichael: And then she said, if anybody disagrees, quit. And I don’t know whether or not she’s been fired or not. I certainly hope she has.

Burchett: She was probably promoted. But yes, I agree with you. This thing is evil and we’re gonna have to just call it out for what it is. And that little girl was mentally ill. She should not have had firearms. And just the misinformation on all that is beyond belief.

If somebody had reported that she was a problem because she lived with her mom and dad, I believe she did, from what I read. I may be wrong. But if there is a problem, the police can go in and do a welfare check and all that. They can do that. As a matter of fact, I think your police chief said if we had gotten a call on her, we would have checked it out. God bless those brave officers. My gosh.

Leahy: Yes. They did a great job. Let’s just shift gears briefly because we know you’ve got a busy schedule up there. Here’s a question. Last night of course the news came out that the grand jury in Manhattan will have voted to indict Donald J. Trump.

As a member of Congress is there any pushback that you would recommend that the House Judiciary Committee could undertake to push back against Alvin Bragg’s ridiculous trumped-up charges?

Burchett: Yes. I think so. It’s a complete overstep. It’s a misdemeanor. His witnesses are a disbarred attorney and a porn star who owes the president $300,000 in a liable case that she’s apparently not paid. I think it’s a Mr. Potato Head kinda law.

You got the Mr. Potato head, they reach into a bag and they pull out an ear, they pull out a nose, they pull out a tongue, and they try to put all this thing together and it just doesn’t fit. I suspect it’ll get thrown out. I don’t see it going very far.

Leahy: And do you anticipate that the House will call Bragg to testify about the interference with an election on this charge?

Burchett: Yes. I spoke with Jim Jordan yesterday on the House floor. I do believe that he’ll be called in before either judiciary or the oversight committee, which I serve on. And we’ll just see how it goes from there. I was on the phone, and I spoke to President Trump, I think it was last week.

And I see him on stage, and he’s boisterous and all that. But, one-on-one, he was very humble. This has to weigh on him, and I’m sure it does, but this is political assassination. This is to knock him off the ballot in New York. And if it’s successful, you’ll see this type of apparatus with other people.

And I hear my friends that don’t like Trump, that are Republicans saying this is the best thing for us, Burchett. And I’ve heard them say that. But it’s not the best thing for us because this is not good law. This will send a chilling effect to other people, and it will be abused, and it is being abused right now.

Listen to today’s show highlights, including this interview:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Photo “Tim Burchett” by Congressman Tim Burchett. Background Photo “U.S. Capitol” by JamesDeMers.


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